Like Lady Godiva I’m Gonna Go Go Go…

The Moonvine, the Devil’s Trumpet, Jimsonweed… this nightflower furls its delicate white or purple blossoms at dusk or on cloudy afternoons. It represents the beauty that comes out of the darkness, dreaming of love.
For those going through their own personal transformations, the Moonflower can be a symbol of strength and resilience.

Moonflower vines require attentive watering and its rewarding fragrance fills the summer air with romance. A tough vine, it is a blossom of transformation and a favorite food of many night creatures such as bats and insects.

Obviously I’m partial to any nightflower but this one in particular has a soft spot in my heart. It’s just so fierce and unapologetic - it blooms steadily through the darkest nights with the most intoxicating florals.

Moonflower is what Queen Titania’s Court smells like in all its fairy wonder.
The scent of royal pride.
The Juneflower.

Moonflowers bloom only at night…


My Squooshy


Slipping Into Lavender Waters